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Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (POWERGRID), incorporated as a Government of India enterprise on 23 October, 1989 under the Companies Act, 1956, having its Corporate Office at “Saudamini”, Plot No.2, Sector-29, Gurgaon-122001, Haryana, has taken necessary arrangements to provide information to the citizens of the country in accordance with The Right to Information Act, 2005.

This section of POWERGRID website along with other relevant sections contains information as required to be published under Section 4 (1) (b) of the Act.

Compliance under Section 4 (1)(b) of Right to Information Act, 2005.


  • Powers and duties of officers (administrative, financial and judicial) and other employees
  • Rules/ orders under which powers and duty are derived and exercised and work allocation

Power Grid Corporation of India Limited was incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956. The Powers and Duties of Officers and Employees of the Company are in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, Memorandum of Association & Articles of Association of the Company, Works & Procurement Policy and Procedure (WPPP), Delegation of Powers, Operating Procedures, Code of Conduct Rules of the Corporation.

As per Memorandum of Association & Articles of Association of the Company, the business of the Company shall be managed by the Board of Directors subject to the compliance of conditions stipulated in Department of Public Enterprises Office memorandum No. DPE/11 (2)/97-Fin dated 22nd July, 1997 as modified from time to time.

Further, subject to provisions of section 179 and 180 of the Act, the Board may, from time to time, entrust and confer upon the Chairman, Managing Director, Director for the time being such of the powers as they may think fit and may confer such powers for such time and to be exercised for such objects and purposes and upon such terms and conditions and with such restriction as they may think expedient and may from time to time revoke, withdraw, alter or vary all or any such powers. External Link

POWERGRIDs Code of Conduct for Board Member (352.44 KB) PDF

POWERGRID Code of Conduct for Senior Management (332.76 KB) PDF



Policy decisions in regards to Administrative and Financial matters are taken by the Board of Directors on the recommendation of the various authorities/departments and communicated for implementation by all as shown under:


Decisions in day-to-day working are made through office notes, initiated by an Officer and put up to the Controlling Officer.

Final approval of the Competent Authority is obtained in line with the Delegation of Power available in the intranet of the company (for POWERGRID employees).

The Works and Procurement Policy and Procedure document provides guidelines to expedite decision-making process in POWERGRID by consolidating, simplifying and streamlining the various steps to be followed in the process of award of contracts for procurement of goods, works & services as well as during its implementation on the ground.

Transmission projects are capital intensive in nature and POWERGRID being Maharatna Company, its Board is empowered to make investment decisions. The powers for making investment decisions are well defined and approved by its Board. Timelines for completion of various processes and activities are defined in Integrated Management systems (IMS) prepared by individual departments, standard operating procedures (SoP) etc.

POWERGRID is committed to sound Corporate Governance principles by promoting corporate fairness, transparency, fiduciary responsibility and accountability amongst all its stakeholders, beyond its sole shareholder. POWERGRID believes that good governance should entail trusteeship, empowerment, and accountability of the management while remaining responsive to Government policies. It is focused towards its mission for “establishment and operation of regional and national power grids to facilitate transfer of power within and across the regions with reliability, security and economy on sound commercial principles.” This mission is carried out based on the well established practices in engineering & design, procurement, project management, finance, and human resources, which are being followed in letter and spirit and are being continually improved upon.



Norms for discharge of functions:

The Employees of the Company discharge their duties to carry out its various business operations in accordance with the objects prescribed in the Memorandum of Association of the Company and in line with the provisions of the all applicable statutory and rules and regulations framed there under. POWERGRID has well defined procedures and guidelines for discharge of various functions. These are highlighted below:

1) Delegation of Powers

The Board of Directors of POWERGRID has delegated the decision-making authorities to the management under a well spelt out document called ‘Delegation of Power’

2) Procedures, Guidelines, Manuals

To facilitate smooth discharge of responsibilities by all the employees, the Corporation has developed a well defined systems and procedures in almost all the areas of its operations e.g. the elaborate  facilitates transparent procurement, the operation manuals provide information to operational personnel for discharging their responsibilities, HR Manuals Volume-I,II & III and Employees Handbook etc.

3) Committees of independent eminent persons

To introduce a further layer of non-executive oversight in its Corporate governance system, POWERGRID has introduced certain committees of independent eminent persons relating to the following matters: (i) procurement; (ii) environmental & social safeguards; and (iii) research and development. The Board has also constituted several other Board sub-committees on functional matters such as the committee for award of contracts, committee on feasibility reports and revised cost estimates, Shareholders’/Investors’ Grievance Committee, Audit Committee, and Committee for bonds etc., to have better and more focused attention to these areas.

Improvements suggested by the experts are progressively incorporated in POWERGRID’s procedures. POWERGRID is committed to effective quality project management aligned its documented Quality Management System to the requirements of lSO-9001 (1994) and achieved certification in July 1995. An Integrated Management System by integrating the requirements of ISO 9001: 2000 (Quality Management System), ISO 14001: 2004 (Environmental Management System) and OHSAS 18001: 1999 (Occupational Health and Safety Management System) has been developed.

4) Guidelines of Ministry of Power, Department of Public Enterprises etc.

POWERGRID being a Public Sector Enterprise follows the Government of India guidelines issued from time to time by Ministry of Power, Department of Public Enterprises, etc.

5) Guidelines of Chief Vigilance Commission

POWERGRID being a Public Sector Enterprise follows the guidelines of Chief Vigilance Commission.

6) Accounting Policies

The Financial statements of POWERGRID are prepared in accordance with IndAS and applicable Accounting Standards in India. The Financial Statements adhere to the relevant presentational requirement of the Companies Act, 1956.

7) SEBI norms for the listed companies are also being followed by POWERGRID.

8)Process by which these services can be accessed.

The transmission schemes are discussed and decided in respective regional power committee meeting where in Central Electricity Authority (CEA), respective state utilities, central sector PSUs, Ministry of Power etc., are its members. After the scheme is finalized, the power for approval for Inter State transmission projects (ISTS) lies with Central Transmission Utility of India (CTUIL), National Committee on Transmission (NCT) and Ministry of Power (MoP) based on the estimated cost of the project along with mode of implementation of the project through Regulated Tariff Mechanism (RTM) or Tariff based competitive mechanism(TBCB). The beneficiaries of schemes are generally state utilities.

Process of redress of grievances:

The grievances are addressed through online complaint management system. Link is given below: External Link

Rules, regulations, instructions manual and records for discharging functions:

Important Manuals which are being used by the employees of the Company for discharging their functions are given below:

  • Matters pertaining to company affairs
    • Memorandum & Articles of Association.
    • Government Guidelines including "Maharatna" guidelines
    • President Directives issued from time to time
    • Decision of the shareholders in the General Meetings as contained in the minute books.
    • Code of Internal Procedures and Conduct for Prevention of Insider Trading in dealing with securities of NTPC and procedures for corporate disclosure.
    • Code of conduct for Board Members and Senior Management Personnel.
  • Matters pertaining to Finance & Accounts
    • Accounting policies.
    • Accounting standards.
    • Accounting Manual.
  • Matters pertaining to Works, Procurement, Commercial, Environment & Social etc.
    • Works and Procurement policies (WPP).
    • Stores Manual.
    • Contract Manual.
    • Insurance Manual.
    • Delegation of Powers.
    • Engineering ISO Manuals.
    • FQA System manual.
    • Quality Standards.
    • Environmental and Social Policy and Procedures (ESPP)
    • CERC Guidelines
  • HR Related matters
    • Recruitment Policy And Procedures
    • Engagement Of Contractor's Workers And Staff
    • Service Rules
    • CDA Rules
    • Appraisal System
    • Promotion Policy
    • Transfer Policy
    • Whistle Blower and Fraud Prevention Policy
    • Leave Rules
    • Facilities For Higher Studies
    • Benefits To Employees Posted In Hardship Stations
    • Travelling Allowance Rules
    • Pension Scheme
    • Employees Provident Fund Rules
    • Employees Contributory family pension plan
    • Employees Gratuity Fund Rules
    • Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme
    • Group Insurance Scheme
    • HBA Group Insurance Scheme
    • Employees' Death Relief Scheme
    • Scheme For Acquiring Professional Qualification
    • Employee Suggestion Scheme
    • Rajbhasha Incentive Scheme
    • Addl Qualification Incentive Scheme
    • Scheme for Reimbursement of refreshments & health supplement for employees in shift duty
    • Medical Rules
    • Contributory Scheme For Post-Retirement Medical Facilities
    • Pay Fixation Rules
    • Grievance Procedure For Employees
    • Guidelines On Welfare Facilities
    • Safety Policy
    • Leased Accommodation Rules
    • Honorarium Policy
    • Rules pertaining to House Building Advance, Conveyance Advance, etc.
    • Policy on preservation of documents
  • Asset Operation and maintenance:
    • MoU targets
    • Operational Manuals
  • Human Resources Development & CSR, R&R (Community Development)
    • Training Policies
    • MoU Targets
    • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Sustainability Policy
  • Public relations, publicity
    • Advertisement guidelines

Code of Conduct/Policies


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Promotion Policy

 (449 KB)
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Transfer Policy

 (152 KB)



The details of Boards and Committees along with Term, objective, composition, Powers and functions are available in the Director’s report of Annual Report. Click here to view the annual report (

Meetings of the Boards, Committees and other bodies are not open to the Public or the minutes of such meetings are not made accessible for public as the nature of business of POWERGRID is that of a strategic establishment.



The Company maintains various statutory documents, registers, books, licenses, Various functional Manuals-Contract, HR, Accounting, IT, Procurement, Quality Manual, Safety, Vigilance etc) agreements etc. for the business operation of the Company as required under various statutes, rules and regulation.

Categories of documents Name of document Custodian
General Rules of the Organization Comp. Secy.
Bye-laws Comp. Secy.
Files of correspondence Respective departments
Other Publications Respective departments
Licenses Respective departments
Documents relating to statutory clearance and approval of Competent Authorities Respective departments
Stores Manual Execution sites
O & M Manuals Execution sites
Delegation of Powers Comp. Secy.
CDA Rules HR
Restricted Minutes & proceedings of the meetings of the Board of Director Comp. Secy.
Minutes & proceedings of the meetings of the various authorities / committees Respective departments
  Books of Account Finance
Tower Design and design documents Engineering
Loan Agreements with various Funding Agencies Finance
Agreement with Project Consultants etc. BDD
Various internal policies, rules & regulations pertaining establishment matters HR
Details of employees HR
Letter of Awards Contracts
MoU for Corporate Social Responsibility CSR
MoUs with other agencies Respective departments
Confidential Appraisal Reports of employees HR
Promotion/Selection proceedings HR
Petition, complaints, written statements and other documents submitted to Hon’ble Courts, tribunals Law

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Directory of officers and employees

 (158.75 KB)

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Monthly remuneration received by officers & employees including system of compensation

 (158.46 KB)

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Name, designation and other particulars of Public Information Officers & FAAs

 (430.38 KB)

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Programmes to advance understanding of RTI

 (241.1 KB)

Procedure adopted in POWERGRID for furnishing information under Right to Information Act, 2005


  1. The Right to Information Act, 2005 (RTI) is a law enacted by the Parliament of India "to provide for setting out the practical regime of right to information for citizens." The Right to Information Act has become fully operational in October, 2005 so as to enable the citizens of India to secure access to information under the control of Public Authorities.
  1. Right to Information Act 2005 mandates timely response to citizen requests for government information. Under the provisions of the Act, any citizen may request information from a "public authority" which is required to reply expeditiously or within thirty days.
  1. Right to Information Act 2005 mandates timely response to citizen requests for government information. POWERGRID has designated CPIO(s) for POWERGRID and its subsidiaries in Corporate Centre & all Regions. The respective CPIO provides information related to their area of jurisdiction.

Procedure adopted for furnishing information under RTI is as under:

  1. On receipt of any RTI application through online or by post , Nodal Office process the RTI application and forward the same to the concerned CPIO(s). CPIO(s) further seek inputs/ information from PIOs of concerned Departments.
  1. On receipt of such request, the concerned departments forward the input, to the extent possible in the form in which it is sought, to the CPIO, within the stipulated timeframe.
  1. If information sought is found to be pertaining with other CPIO(s) in POWERGRID, such application is immediately forwarded to the concerned CPIO(s) for directly providing the information to the requester.
  1. If information sought is found to be pertaining to the domain of other Public Authorities, such application is immediately be transferred to the concerned Public Authorities, for furnishing the reply to the requester as per the RTI Act, 2005.
  1. If any Appeal is received online or by post against any RTI, Nodal Office processes the same and forward the same to the concern Appellate Authority. The flow chart of RTI/Appeal process in POWERGRID is given below:
  1. Publications/ Updates & information regarding RTI are available in below links:
  1. List of CPIO & FAA from 2015 onwards

Budget allocated including all plans, proposed expenditure and reports on disbursements made etc.

POWERGRID prepares capital budget every year to cater to all its activities relating implementation of new projects, Capacity addition programmes, O&M of Transmission lines and Substations etc.. Expenditure incurred by POWERGRID is governed by this budget. Capital expenditure for the last three financial years are as follows:

Capital expenditure (Amount in Rs. Crore)

FY 2019-20

FY 2020-21

FY 2021-22

FY 2022-23

FY 2023-24

Budget Estimate






Revised Estimate






Actual Achievement (cash basis)






Foreign tour details :

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For FY 2023-24

 (455 KB)
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For FY 2022-23

 (449 KB)
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For FY 2021-22

 (152 KB)
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For FY 2020-21

 (134 KB)
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For FY 2019-20

 (3.85 MB)

Domestic tour details :

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For FY 2023-24

 (2.33 MB)
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For FY 2022-23

 (1.45 MB)

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Information related to procurements in organization

Information relating to Company Profile, business, quarterly financial performance, share holding pattern, Annual Report etc. is held by the company in electronic form and is available on the website of the company

  1. Annual Reports (contains information pertaining to financial & physical performance)
  2. Quarterly Financial Statements
  3. Data pertaining to employees
  4. Works & Procurement Policy
  5. Memorandum of Association And article assocation
  6. HR Manuals /Employee handbook
  7. Organization  Structure
  8. MOU target
  9. Investment approvals

POWERGRID is maintaining a website, which provides the General information’s about the company . Information regarding Tender notice, Job Vacancies etc.are published in leading National Dailies, besides available on the POWERGRID website. Annual Report giving all the details of various Operational and Financial activities is also published in the Web site.

Library Facility for general public

POWERGID has library facility at its Corporate and Regional Offices which is open for its Employees only. Library is not open to general public.

The information about POWERGRID activities, Invitation for Bids, Status of Ongoing Projects etc. are available on POWERGRID’s website Alternatively, persons desirous of obtaining any other information not available on the website may send their request in writing addressed to designated Public Information Officers.

To obtain any information pertaining to under the Right to Information Act, 2005 (Act), the citizen may make a request in writing or through electronic means along with prescribed application fee to the Public Information Officers designated by POWERGRID. Details of Public Information Officers are furnished in the web site.

To obtain information prescribed fees may be paid by cash in the office of designated Public Information Officers or by Demand draft /Bankers’ Cheque/ Pay Order, Postal Order drawn in favour of "POWER GRID CORPORATION OF INDIA LIMITED."

The fee structure is given as below:-

Application Fee Rs. 10/-

A4 size paper (created or copied) Rs. 2/-

Information in floppy / Diskette Rs. 50/-

Printed material Cost of printing @ Rs. 2/- per page of photocopy for extracts from the publication.

Inspection of records: No fee for first hour, and fee of Rs. 5/- for each fifteen minutes (for fraction thereof)


In case the Requester who does not receive a decision within the time specified in sub-section (1) of clause (a) of sub-section (3) of section 7 of the Act or is aggrieved by decision of the Central Public Information Officer, as the case may be, may within thirty days from the expiry of such period from the receipt of such a decision, prefer an appeal to the First Appellate Authority for redressal of the grievance.

List of schemes/ projects/ programme underway

  • Completion of Transmission Lines (220KV & above) during the year
  • Completion of Substations (220KV & above) during the year

-Central Electricity Authorityexternal link

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Receipt & disposal of RTI applications & appeals

Year Date of Audit Name of the Auditor Audit Certificate Audit Report
2022-23 September 2023

M/s National Institute of Labour Economics Research and Development

- Third Party Audit Report 2022-23
2021-22 October 2022 M/s National Power Training Institute - Third Party Audit Report 2021-22
2020-21 April 2021 M/s National Power Training Institute - Third Party Audit Report 2020-21
2019-20 October 2019 M/s Indian Institue of Public Adminstration Third Party Audit Certificate 2019-20 Third Party Audit Report 2019-20

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RTI Annual Report

 (909 KB)
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RTI Annual Report

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RTI Annual Report

 (242 KB)
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RTI Annual Report

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RTI Annual Report

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RTI Annual Report

 (371 KB)
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RTI Annual Report

 (3.85 MB)